Cat Nelson as Horatio Nelson

16 Jun 2021

Oil painting of Nelson the cat, as Sir Horatio Nelson.

@major_clanger has a cat called Nelson. Cat Nelson has a wonderfully vacant facial expression.

I painted cat Nelson as his namesake, and I am really pleased with how well I managed to capture his vacant expression! You can compare it with the photograph of cat Nelson (below).

The head and right hand/paw are those of cat Nelson, whereas the body is that of Sir Horatio Nelson from the painting “Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, 1758-1805, 1st Viscount Nelson”. The original painting has been attributed to Matthew Shepperson; after John Hoppner.

A photograph of cat Nelson, with a completely vacant gaze and unfocussed amber eyes.

I am really pleased with how cat Nelson’s eyes turned out - I managed to capture their vacant gaze and amber colour really well!




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