Achievements, Awards etc
A collection of achievements, awards and external uses of my paintings.
Presented in reverse chronological order
Artwork selected for The Artist and Leisure Painter (TALP) Open Art Exhibition!
(17 Mar 2025)
My Keys chalk and charcoal drawing was selected for The Artist and Leisure Painter Open Art Exhibition 2025. I gave the drawing the title “Worn and Trusted”.
The exhibition will be available to view from Saturday 26th April until Sunday 15th June 2025, at Patchings Art Centre, Nottinghamshire. The Patchings Art Centre is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am - 4pm each week.
A year in review: in 2024 there were 2775 visits to my website!
(01 Jan 2025)
I launched my website on Dec 23rd 2022, and it has now been up for slightly over two years.
In 2023 there were 3606 visits, of which 1792 (49.7%) were from search engines, 1493 (41.4%) from social media and 265 (7.3%) were direct.
In 2024 there were 2775 visits, of which 983 (35,4%) were from search engines, 814 (29.3%) from social media and 953 (34.3%) were direct.
Whilst the number of visitors decreased from 2023 to 2024 (-831), I’m still pleased with this total. The decrease in social media influence likely reflects the changing social media landscape (especially Twitter/X), and more people are going directly to my website.
The top 10 greatest numbers of visits per country are listed below, along with the change in visitor numbers compared with the previous year:
United States 681 (-19)
India 630 (-412)
United Kingdom 364 (+37)
Mauritius 89 (-75)
Philippines 83 (+60)
Germany 72 (-31)
Turkey 69 (+29)
Canada 68 (-19)
Brazil 37 (-70)
Australia 32 (-13)
The 10 most visited pages were:
Plants+Pathogens 2023
Light+Shadow 2024
Plants+Pathogens 2022
Rice Blast
Citrus Canker
Cotton Angular Leaf Spot
Coffee Rust
Banana Bunchy Top Vitus - Version 2
Fifty Two Paintings in One Year! Again!
(31 Dec 2024)
I’ve released one painting or drawing a week, every week, for two years in a row!
My favourite paintings from 2024 are:
Tomato Painting Featured on the RHS’ The Plant Review Artist in Residence Competition Page!
(11 Dec 2024)
My painting of a tomato flower stem has been listed in the “Explore all the amazing entries” section of the RHS’ 2024 “The Plant Review artist in residence” competition!
Congratulations to Seong weon Ahn (the winner) and the other entrants for their amazing paintings!
Daisy Rust in My Lawn!
(10 Oct 2024)
I found daisy rust (Puccinia distincta) in my lawn! This was very exciting, as I had previously only come across this disease in the literature, and in reference photos from Prof. David Collinge.
I painted daisy rust in 2022 for the British Society for Plant Pathology’s 2024 calendar of plant pathology art! The original daisy rust painting was given to Prof. David Collinge by BSPP as part of his present as as retiring president of @BS_PP.
Blossom End Rot - a Blog Post Illustration!
(02 Sep 2024)
Instagram’s plantxprt requested a painting of Blossom End Rot (BER) for their plants and biology blog!
This is the first time, that I am aware of, that one of my paintings has been used in a publication in a language other than English.
Wheat Stem Rust - Art in Phytopathology 2024 Contest Posters!
(05 Mar 2024)
My wheat stem rust painting was used (with permission) as the example picture for the ‘Magnified’ section of the American Phytopathological Society’s Art in Plant Pathology contest posters!
A year in review: in 2023 there were over 3600 visits to my website!
(21 Jan 2024)
I launched my website on Dec 23rd 2022, and it has now been up for slightly over one year. In 2023, there were 3606 visits, made by 2804 unique visitors from 101 countries.
The top 10 greatest numbers of visits per country were:
India 1051
United States 700
United Kingdom 327
Mauritius 164
Brazil 107
Germany 103
Canada 87
Bangladesh 80
France 69
Spain 53
The 10 most visited paintings were:
Black Sigatoka
Citrus Canker
Rice Blast
Wheat Stem Rust
Strawberry Neopestalotiopsis
Alternaria Leaf Spot and Potato Scab
Tomato Early Blight
Wheat Germinating
Fifty Two Paintings in One Year!
(31 Dec 2023)
I’ve released one plant disease painting a week, every week, for an entire year! That’s definitely worth celebrating!
My favourite paintings from this year are:
Box Blight Painting Featured on the RHS’ The Plant Review Artist in Residence Competition Page!
(01 Nov 2023)
My box blight painting has been listed in the “Explore all the amazing entries” section of the RHS’ “The Plant Review artist in residence” competition!
Congratulations to Caroline Buckley (the winner) and the other entrants for their amazing paintings!
CBSD - Plant Pandemic Study Illustration - now published in Plant Pathology!
(21 Oct 2023)
My cassava brown streak disease painting was included in the BSPP Plant Pandemic Study Report Cassava Brown Streak a deadly virus on the move!
Fran Robson, Diane Hird and Eric Boa’s excellent BSPP Plant Pandemic Study Report (from February, in the achievements list below) has been published as a review article in Plant Pathology - Wiley Online Library!
Wheat Stem Rust - An Amazing Cake!
(23 Sep 2023)
My wheat stem rust painting was printed on a cake by Yogesh Dewangan (@YOGESHD23825337) to celebrate Teachers’ Day in his Plant Pathology department!
The cake looked amazing!
Yam Mosaic Virus (YMV) - Presentation Cover Slide at the 4th International Phytosanitary Conference
(20 Sep 2023)
My Yam Mosaic Virus (YMV) painting was used as the illustration for Gonçalo Silva (@goncalodrs)’s presentation on “Molecular diagnostic tests in support of yam seed systems” at the 4th International Phytosanitary Conference at Kephis, Kenya.
Wheat Stem Rust - Art in Phytopathology 2023 Award Winner!
(11 Jul 2023)
My wheat stem rust painting won the ‘Magnified’ section of the American Phytopathological Society’s Art in Plant Pathology competition!
Plant Pathology - T-shirt Design!
(15 Jul 2023)
This is a design created by William Kay using my artwork (with permission).
The judges of the BSPP T-shirt competition 2023 felt that this design showcased the diversity of plants and diseases studied in plant pathology. This t-shirt is available for sale through BSPP (with all profit going to BSPP): BSPP "Pennington" T-Shirt (
Coffee Rust - Book Cover Illustration!
(15 Jul 2023)
My Coffee Rust painting has been used (with permission) for the cover of a book!
Professor Emerson Del Ponte, from the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, has just published new cover art for his book Plant Disease Epidemiology (R4PDE).
Camellia Mottle Virus on Holiday!
(22 Mar 2023)
I saw a fantastic example of Camellia virus induced mottling at Kiyomizu-dera temple in Kyoto!
I was very excited to see this plant diease in real life. It’s beautiful. I painted camellia mottle virus symptoms in 2022 for the British Society for Plant Pathology’s 2024 calendar of plant pathology art!
CBSD - Plant Pandemic Study Illustration!
(26 Feb 2023)
My cassava brown streak disease painting was included in the BSPP Plant Pandemic Study Report Cassava Brown Streak a deadly virus on the move!
Congratulations to Fran Robson, Diane Hird and Eric Boa on their excellent publication.
Grapevine Red Blotch Virus - Newsletter Featured Image !
(01 Jan 2023)
The National Grape Research Alliance asked for permission to use my GRBV painting as the featured image for their January 2023 newsletter!
Barley Powdery Mildew - Art in Phytopathology 2022 Award Winner!
(15 Aug 2022)
My Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei painting won the ‘Magnified’ section of the American Phytopathological Society’s Art in Phytopathology competition!
Daisy Rust - BSPP Calendar of Plant Pathology Art!
(25 Feb 2022)
I applied for, and was awarded, the BSPP Plant Pathology Promotion Fund, to produce a calendar of plant pathology art!
Artifact: an Exhibition
(Jul 2013)
In 2013, I took part in Artifact: An Exhibition, which showcased work produced through a collaboration between students and staff from Imperial, the Royal College of Art, Central St Martin’s and the Courtauld Institute of Art. Artifact aimed to ‘explore the interface between art and science’.
These Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei tapestry panels were created by Beatrix Callow, from the Courtauld institute. They were inspired by photographs taken by myself, and by Prof. Pietro Spanu, during my PhD.