Cercospora coffeicola

05 Nov 2023

Ink painting/drawing of Cercospora leaf spot and berry blotch of coffee, caused by the fungus Cercospora coffeicola (binomial name Mycosphaerella coffeicola).

The painting shows a coffee branch with 16 leaves. The leaves emerge in pairs, one on each side of the stem. Counting down from the terminal bud, the bases of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth leaf pairs have clusters of coffee berries. Where the ninth pair would have been, there are further berries.

There are leaf spots on the leaves, with pale brown middles, deep brown margins, and yellow haloes around the margins. On some leaves, the lesions have fused to form larger areas of dark brown necrotic tissue.

There are lesions on the berries. These include brown (necrotic) or yellow areas, surrounded by a purple-red halo. The infected berries are prematurely ripening, shown by their progressing in colour from green, through yellow, to red.


Mycena citricolor


Grey Field Slug