Yam Mosaic Virus (YMV)

18 Dec 2022

Yam Mosaic Virus

Ink painting/drawing of Yam Mosaic Virus (YMV) symptoms on true yam (Dioscorea).

The painting shows a yam vine with eight mature leaves, and a side-shoot with two new leaves. The leaves show a yellow-green mosaic pattern, mostly between the veins or in the narrow green strips bordering the veins.

Top: scanned image

Middle: photograph

Bottom: partial progress painting

I initially painted the mosaic symptoms with much paler colours, but they looked really washed out once I added the black outline. I therefore re-painted them using much bolder greens. The uppermost image one the page is therefore one of the rare examples where I add colour after the black outline (which risks making the outline run).




Tomato Early Blight