Grapevine Red Blotch Virus (GRBV)

03 Jul 2022

Ink painting/drawing of grapevine red blotch virus (GRBV) symptoms.

A picture of a simplified flat green leaf, with a black outline and details picked out in red, painted on a white background.

Symptoms shown: red primary and secondary veins as well as red blotches in some interveinal zones.

Top: scanned image

Middle: photograph

Bottom: National Grape Research Alliance publication!

National Grape Research Alliance

The National Grape Research Alliance asked for permission to use my GRBV painting as the featured image for their January 2023 newsletter!

The screenshot shows from top to bottom:

the NGRA banner

a statement saying “Advancing research to maximize the productivity, sustainability and competitiveness of the American grape industries.”

the date “January 2023”

the GRBV ink painting/drawing

and ‘ “Grapevine Red Blotch Virus” by Helen Pennington” ‘


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